Vijayadasami is one of the most auspicious festivals celebrated all over India with such fervor and devotion. It celebrates the victory of good over evil, light over darkness and knowledge over ignorance. For artists, it is yet another day to feel thankful for the gift of dance that we have received.
Our annual Vijayadasami celebrations are called Thulasidhara for a very special reason. My guru [Late] Shri. Thulasiram was and will forever remain a guiding force for me. Cherishing his memories by passing on this passion for classical dance among my students is for me the most important duty and we celebrate together with classical performances by my students and myself on the auspicious day of Vijayadasami.
The word ‘dhara’ in Sanskrit also means ‘to flow’ and so the word Thulasidhara has become synonymous with the art that is flowing through to the next generation! Setting myself this goal to work harder each year towards Vijayadasami and paying tribute to our gurus has given immense strength to me.
We begin the day with blessings from God and Guru. I remember the day I mentioned about the significance of this day to dearest Ibu Bulan and that we need her blessings before we perform and she simply said, “I will be there!” She understood immediately!!! And the day became blessed!
Since then, she has been part of our every Vijayadasami event here. Come rain or shine, she was there. She had to leave for a performance in India the next day, but she would still be there! Yet another year, I remember she was running a fever, but she was the first one there and even performed with me! This day has become extremely divine and meaningful for me with her blessings. I bow down to such grace and humility!
Kara Murali rava Veejitha Kujitha
The one whose voice is like the sounds created by the flute,
Lajitha Kokila Manjumathe
Militha Milinda Manohara Gumjitha
Rangitha Shaila-ni-kunja gathe
Nija guna Bhutha Maha sabaree gana
Sadguna Sambrutha Kelithale
Jaya Jaya he Mahishasura Mardini
Ramyajapardini Shailsuthe
which made the Koel birds ashamed of their voices.
The one from whom emerges all Art, Beauty, and Power.
You seem to wear these like ornaments!
O Goddess, the one with a good heart,
Victory to you, Victory to you.
This verse from the popular Mahishasura Mardini stotram describes goddess Shakti and I can only but wonder that it fits Ibu Bulan perfectly.
We lost Ibu Bulan during February 2021 and the void she has left is too deep. Miss you dearest Ibu Bulan…
Mahamaitri – Great friendship!
Certain things in life are meant to be. For me, coming to the land of Indonesia and meeting Ibu Bulan and sharing the most special friendship is the gift I have received.
I chose 16th of August 2019 to have an event to celebrate this friendship. It seemed like the most appropriate day as it coincided with the Independence days of India (15th August 1947) and Indonesia (17th August 1945). We had performances from the classical Balinese dance form and the classical Indian Bharatanatyam.
Navarathri Celebrations
Pictures from the temple performances here
Learning Bharatanatyam involves many years of hard work and dedicated practice. The dancer begins her dance journey with a prayer to the God of Dance, Lord Nataraja and seeks blessings for a long and fruitful dance journey.
Arangetram, which literally means “ascending the stage”, is almost like a graduation ceremony for the dancer who performs solo for the first time in the presence of family and friends.
Arangetram is a beginning of sorts! This ceremony awakens a responsibility in the dancer to continue the hard work and study the dance form in more depth.
My darling student performed her Arangetram on 29th December 2019.